Facts About Microfiche Scanning
Billions of paper documents have been converted to some type of microfiche so far, and a microfiche scanning company converts fiche to image, with the number of digital conversions are growing every year. Yet so many people do not know much about microfiche scanning.
Why do so many organizations transfer microfiche to digital image?
This process has served many industries well for various reasons. For one, it serves to protect the fiche from loss or damage. It also helps to store large quantities of data in an organized fashion, as opposed to archaic paper filing systems or microfiche drawers.
Organizations around the world have taken advantage of technology and have converted microfiche to digital images. The advantages of eliminating storage cost, instant retrieval of information, ability to transfer data anywhere have made it easy for such organizations to make this microfiche conversion decision.
What types of file formats do microfiche scanners create?
Microfiche scanners output TIFF, JPEG, PDF, and their many variations are created, such as Group IV, bi-tonal, LZW greyscale, uncompressed images, PDF/A, JPEG 2000, and more.
Should I Buy a Microfiche Scanner or Outsource Microfiche Scanning?
A microfiche scanner may cost tens of thousands of dollars or a cheap microfiche scanner may only cost $12,000, but consider the cost of labor, maintenance, software licensing, office space, and learning a new trade.
Outsourcing microfiche scanning could be priced by the image or card, and depending on the volume is usually much cheaper (and definitely easier) than buying or even leasing a microfiche scanner. CONTACT US