Scanning Microfiche Options

Scanning Microfiche

How to scan microfiche? Microfiche scanning is only possible with specialized equipment, such as NextScan microfiche scanners, Mekel scanners, Sunrise scanners, and others. Scanning microfiche on a flatbed scanner just won’t cut it. You can use a reader printer, but just keep in mind the time and labor it takes a while.

microfiche scanner

You can buy microfiche scanners online from resellers, salespeople, or try to go directly to manufacutrers, who will probably refer you to a reseller or salesperson. You can try to get a used microfiche scanner from auction websites or micrographics supply websites, but they do not come with warranties or training.

I guess you could try to run to a local library and see if they have some microfiche machine which could print out the images on your microfiche, but I would put that chance of happening at most 1%.

Converting microfiche to digital image is a great way to save space in your office. It speeds up record retrieval as well. In other words, it saves time and money. Thousands of companies, organizations, and individuals have had microfiche conversions.

If you need COM fiche, 16mm or 35mm jacket microfiche, step and repeat microfiche, rewritable microfiche converted to digital images, you could send your microfiche to a scanning company. In many ways, this is the most efficient option. You would not have to buy your own microfiche scanner, buy the software license, get trained, hire workers, create a production flow, set up an internal network, or maintain the microfiche machine. CONTACT US